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Donation Collections for Homeless & Others in Need

Donations Accepted Through April 7 | Multiple Locations

Wheaton Park District is partnering with Bridge Communities to fill needs

The Wheaton Park District and Bridge Communities are partnering to collect donations to help homeless families and others in need.

The partnership was forged to bring both the park district’s and Bridge Communities’ resources together to serve the community and honor the value of integrity.


Donations are being accepted now through April 7 in donation boxes at the following park district locations:

  • Park Services Center | 1000 Manchester Dr.

  • Arrowhead Golf Club | 26W151 Butterfield Rd.

  • Community Center | 1777 S. Blanchard St.

  • Mary Lubko Center | 208 W. Union Ave.

  • Cosley Zoo | 1356 N. Gary Ave.

  • Central Athletic Complex | 500 S. Naperville Rd.


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