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Wide Horizons Open House

Tuesday, January 21 | 5:30-6:30P | Community Center & Rathje Park House

Join us to:
– Learn about our program and curriculum
– Meet our wonderful teachers
– See what sets us apart from other programs

Whether you’re exploring preschool options or just curious about what we have to offer, this is the perfect opportunity to get all your questions answered in a friendly and welcoming environment.

We can’t wait to meet you and your little ones!

Feel free to bring a friend or family member. See you there!

2025-2026 Preschool Classes Offered

Community Center Location:
Old 2s – Tu/Th mornings
3s – Tu/Th and M/W/F mornings
4s – M/W/F and M/Tu/W/Th mornings
3s & 4s Blended – M/W/F afternoons

Rathje Park House Location:
3s & 4s Blended – M/Tu/W/Th/Fr mornings

Questions? Contact Kelly Nielsen at 630-510-5120 or [email protected].

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PHOTO RELEASE: The Wheaton Park District, its partners, approved volunteers and vendors may take photographs or videos of participants for promoting our programs, services, events, activities, and facilities in our brochures, website or agency social media, etc. By participating in or attending any Wheaton Park District activities the participant (or parent/guardian of a minor participant) agrees to the use and distribution of his or her image (or images of a minor child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and any other electronic reproductions of such activities for any purpose without inspection, compensation, or any other consideration now and in the future.