7/9: Summer Entertainment Series Performance

Memorial Park Bandshell 225 Karlskoga Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois

6-7:30P: Whiskey Romance Band - Country Music Distilled in the Midwest
8-9:30P: Fletcher Rockwell - Classic American-Tinged Rock & Roll

7/10: Summer Entertainment Series Performance

Memorial Park Bandshell 225 Karlskoga Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois

6-7:30P: Chicago Philharmonic - Classical & Today’s Hits in Strings
8-9:30P: Chicago Philharmonic - Classical & Top 40s in Brass

7/23: Summer Entertainment Series Performance

Memorial Park Bandshell 225 Karlskoga Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois

6-7:30P: The Jolly Ringwalds - The Ultimate 80s Experience
8-9:30P: The Ron Burgundy’s - Yacht Rock and other rock from the 60s, 70s and 80s!

7/24: Summer Entertainment Series Performance

Memorial Park Bandshell 225 Karlskoga Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois

6-7:30P: Billy Elton - Legendary songs of Billy Joel and Elton John
8-9:30P: Midwest Dueling Pianos - Dueling Piano Show

8/8: Summer Entertainment Series Performance

Memorial Park Bandshell 225 Karlskoga Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois

1-2:30P: Motown Nation - Motown and 60s Smash Hits
3-4:30P: Dancing Queen - An ABBA Salute

9/10: Summer Entertainment Series Performance

Memorial Park Bandshell 225 Karlskoga Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois

6-7:30P: Jagged Little Pill - Tribute to Alanis Morissette
8-9:30P: Goddesses of Rock - A Tribute to Female Icons

9/11: Summer Entertainment Series Performance

Memorial Park Bandshell 225 Karlskoga Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois

6-7:30P: Landslide - A Tribute to Fleetwood Mac
8-9:30P: The PettyBreakers - Tom Petty Tribute Band

6/24: Mulberry Street & Gold Dust Dreams

Memorial Park 225 Karlskoga Avenue, Wheaton, IL, United States

6-7:15P | Mulberry Street | A Billy Joel Tribute
8-9:30P | Gold Dust Dreams | Tribute to Fleetwood Mac


6/25: Mickey Hatfield Trio & HiFi Superstar

Memorial Park 225 Karlskoga Avenue, Wheaton, IL, United States

6-7:15P | Mickey Hatfield Trio | Country/Rock Covers
8-9:30P | HiFi Superstar | Rock & Dance Party Band


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