Winter outdoor recreation is nearly here!

Check RainoutLine or Facebook for updates on the status of ice rinks and other winter outdoor recreation.

Central Athletic Complex Ice Skating & Hockey

Wheaton Park District operates two ice rinks at Central Athletic Complex

* Ice skating is weather permitting. The outdoor ice rinks require sustained temperatures at or below 40 degrees. Please check our weather hotline in advance of reserving your tickets.

** Dist.#200 Schools will be closed on the following days in the 2024/2025 school calendar: November 29; December 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31; January 2, 3, 6, 20; February 17, 28.

† If a holiday or scheduled District #200 school day off falls on a weekday, all open hours will require a reservation.

†† A valid Wheaton Park District Universal ID is required and must be presented onsite with your timed-entry ticket. If you do not have a current ID, please visit the Community Center or call 630-690-4880 for more information on how to obtain your ID.

View the status of rinks on RainoutLine:

Get convenient updates using RainoutLine! Call (630) 410-1028 or visit to sign-up for text alerts or download the free app!

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Cross-Country Skiing (XCS)

Travel the snow-touched slopes of Arrowhead Golf Club this winter with cross-country skiing!

This low-impact sport offers the benefits of aerobic exercise, burns calories, and builds muscles. Arrowhead Golf Club (26W151 Butterfield Rd.) maintains groomed trails and provides equipment rentals. Skiers are encouraged to stay on the groomed trails which have been provided, skiing is allowed throughout the course as weather permits. A base of 6 inches of snow is required for cross-country skiing to be permitted.

Trail access is provided free of charge. Rental equipment does require a fee. All rentals are by reservation only by calling 630.653.5800. Rental equipment can then be paid for and picked up on the lower level of the Arrowhead Golf Club Clubhouse.

Ski boots and skis with white wintery background

Ice Fishing

Ice fishing is only permitted at Elliot Lake and is undertaken at the visitor’s risk.

  • Remember, green flags mean “GO”, red flags mean “NO.”
  • Ice skating and hockey are prohibited at Elliot Lake.

Drilled hole in frozen ice, Ice fishing

Northside Warming Shelter

Winter recreation at Northside Park is NOT limited to Warming Shelter operating hours.

The Warming Shelter will open when weather conditions exist for sledding or ice skating. Follow the RainoutLine for updates. When conditions permit, the Warming Shelter will be open:*

Friday | 4-8P
Saturday & Sunday | 11A-7P
Non-School Days | 11A-7P
E-Learning Days (As determined by Dist. #200) | 2-7P
New Year’s Eve | 11A-3P

Closed | Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day

*Warming Shelter may close early if conditions become unfavorable for sledding or skating.

Limited concessions are available in the Warming Shelter ($1/item). All sales are cash only.

Pond Ice Skating & Hockey


Hop on a sled, toboggan, or inner tube!

We maintain a sledding hill at Northside Park (1300 N. West St.) for everyone who wants to go riding in a one-horse open sleigh but doesn’t have the horse or the sleigh.


  • Sledding can be a hazardous activity and allows for substantial risk.
  • The Wheaton Park District provides no supervision. Parents and guardians are responsible for child supervision.
  • Use of snowboards and skis is strictly prohibited.
  • Building of moguls, ramps, jumps, bumps, and hills is strictly prohibited.
  • Sled hill may be closed due to lack of snow cover or any other safety-related reason.
  • Pets are strictly prohibited on the sled hill.
  • Sled hill closes at 9P.

For sled hill status, please call the Rainout Line at 630-410-1028, Ext.25.

For questions or concerns, please call 630-690-4880.

Father with his children sledding down a hill


Go snowshoeing and find the unpacked snow at Northside Park or Lincoln Marsh!
Couple getting ready to go snowshoeing